Wednesday, April 28, 2010

And we begin....


This all started about 6 years ago when I was trying to regain my body from the ravages of pregnancy. I was miserable trying to figure out how to shop for my new figure. Either the fit was horrible, the price was staggering, or there was nothing that seemed to look good. I finally sat down during my son's naptime and said to myself, "There has to be a better way." This is what I came up with.

"Zen Shopping", you say. Sounds like a weird self help book or some cult. Sort of, in an unusual way. It evolved into a way for me to regain my enjoyment of shopping without going bonkers or killing my budget. It's a way of looking at yourself, your wardrobe, and your budget without cringing, crying, or screaming. After all these years, it's still working pretty well for me. There are those times that nothing is going to help (like swimsuit shopping), but that can be solved by a really good chocolate confection after the torture.

Hopefully you will all find this informative, useful, fun, and sometimes just plain goofy. I warn you now, I've got an odd sense of humor and a weird outlook on just about every aspect on life. I don't pull too many punches, especially about myself, so be prepaired. I'm not out here to try and hurt anyones sensabilities, I'm just stating my opinion. I think that's enough disclaimers.

Here's to making the world safe for fun and sane shopping!