Thursday, July 24, 2014

"The Soda Fountain" - my first review

Welcome to the first (of hopefully many more) book reviews on my blog.  I hope you find it helpful.

The first book I'm reviewing is "The Soda Fountain" by Gia Giasullo and Peter Freeman.  "The Soda Fountain" is one of the best cookbooks I have ever read.  It starts with a great history of the soda fountain in the US, transitions into how the Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Fountain came into existance, and then went straight into how to create the traditional soda fountain experience yourself.  The recipes are clear and concise.  I've made 3 of the syrups (blueberry, strawberry, and the raspberry, which I substituted blackberries) so far, and can't wait to try more.  The recipes span everything you need for any ice cream and soda treat you could possibly want, and all the techniques for an authentic experience are explained perfectly.  This book will forever have pride of place next to my SodaStream, and my freezer and fridge will be eternally stocked with items from this book.

Let me know if you pick this up and which recipes you try.  I will keep adding to this post with how the different recipes go.  So far the blackberry syrup is the favorite, with the other two I've tried being very well received.  Hope to hear from you all soon!

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